전체 글 (102) 썸네일형 리스트형 07_01_06. multi columns flatten ex) pd.pivot_table https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39273441/flatten-pandas-pivot-table Flatten pandas pivot table This is a follow up of my question. Rather than a pivot table, is it possible to flatten table to look like the following: data = {'year': ['2016', '2016', '2015', '2014', '2013'], 'country':[... stackoverflow.com df_test_01 = pd.pivot_table( df_test , index =['part_datecd'] , columns='good_cls1cd'.. 07_01_09. index filtering df_sum_qty_01 = df_sum_qty_01[np.in1d( df_sum_qty_01.index.get_level_values(1), line )] (인덱스 filter) 07-01-05. [ ]없이 list string ', '.join( '"' + pd.Series(z) + '"') # 여기서 z는 리스트임! ', '.join( '"' + df_holi[~df_holi.holiday_nm.isnull()]['holiday_nm'].iloc[0:10] + '"') 이전 1 ··· 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 다음